Florida Aviation Network

The FAN Productions is an effort of the National Aviation Safety Foundation and a coalition of local, regional, and national aviation organizations and agencies.  We broadcast via satellite over the Florida Aviaton Network "In the Clear", internet, and radio. Past programs may be viewed on studio  site.


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  • Obie S. Young

    Spread the word .. We are The Official Television Network of SUN ‘n FUN. Click on the Live icon now to check out your ISP connections.  Florida Aviation Network

  • Obie S. Young

    OK  gang.. 1 week .. till SUN 'n FUN 2013.

  • Obie S. Young

    LKG has eidited / reviewed  2,700 SUN 'n FUN 2013 Digitals. SAM has created 12 new photo pages. JDM is working on Splah -In edit. JRC is working on video recap. WCG is following up with guest.

  • Obie S. Young

    Greeting Everyone :
    We established the Florida Aviation Network Web Site on Oct 27, 2012.  http://www.floridaaviationnetwork.com/  . Please check it out.
  • Obie S. Young

    About:     General, Speaker Tips, Technical Data, Engineering
                     Support, Crew Support
    Events:    The Events that we are supporting with crew resources.
    NASF:       FAN / NASF project information, Donate
    Media:      Video, Pictures, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, FAN Hangar Chat
    Managing Safety:        Weekly Radio Shows since Jan 2009
    Contact Information:  Contact and feed back information
    Sitemap:  What the Site contains
    Links:      Weather, Organizations & Agencies
  • Obie S. Young

    Just posted some more SUN 'n FUN interveiws on Hangar Chat. Enjoy . :)

  • Obie S. Young

    The Girls On Fox News Song -                 Clever

  • Obie S. Young

    SUN ‘n FUN report
    We have received several thank you notes and compliments on our broadcast this year.  This was the best production year ever!  The Florida Air Museum was a wonderful location.  Our production ran very smooth and everyone seems happy.  
    Micelle Cassidy, our CFAA Student On Air Host was excellent and will continue to work with FAN throughout the year so she will be even better next year.
    Andrew Gash with Kathleen High school brought out 8 students from his  advanced production class  on Tuesday of the event and provided us with videos that we place on our site at: http://www.floridaaviationnetwork.com/Video.html 
    We conducted over 55 live interviews with are all archived now.
    Please let folks know about our web site:  http://www.floridaaviationnetwork.com/ 
    The field reports and Interviews can be viewed on the FAN website under the media link: http://www.floridaaviationnetwork.com/YouTube.html Look on the film strip on the bottom and click on it to play.   
    Please share this link and our Facebook Link.. http://www.facebook.com/FloridaAviationNetwork
    It may take a little time.. but look for numerous photos.. We have hours of video and hundred of photos still coming into our drop box.
  • Obie S. Young

    Greeting Crew: The Metro Orlando Chapter of FMPTA meets tonight at the

    Winter Park Civic Center/ 1050 West Morse Blvd./ Winter Park FL 32789

     Our networking begins at 6:30pm and our meeting begins at 7:02pm.

          Tonight we feature Chrome Creative Group to share their avenue of expertise and industry ideas for our area.


    As usual, we adjourn to the Ale House for some refreshments and food afterwards, for those interested.

  • FATA

    Anyone remember this day in aviation history? http://bit.ly/12Mip2P

  • Obie S. Young

    Yes I remember that day in history...  I wonder what would happen now?



  • Obie S. Young

    Master Instructors LLC takes pride in announcing a significant aviation
    accomplishment on the part of Obie S Young, president of the National Aviation
    Safety Foundation and a resident of Orlando, Florida.  Recently, Obie's
    accreditation as a Master CFI (Certificated Flight Instructor)
    was renewed by the Master Instructors LLC Board of Review, the international accrediting authority for the Master Instructor designation as well as the FAA-approved "Master Instructor Programä."  He first earned this national professional accreditation in 1998 and is one of only 35 worldwide to earn the credential six (6) times.  Additionally, Obie was the 1978 National CFI of the Year.

    To help put this achievement in its proper perspective, there are approximately 97,000 CFIs in the United States.  Fewer than 800 of them have achieved that
    distinction thus far.  The last 18 National Flight Instructors of the Year or
    FAASTeam Representatives of the Year were Master CFIs
    (see: http://www.GeneralAviationAwards.org/)
    while Obie is one of only 73 Florida aviation educators who has earned this prestigious "Master" title. 

    In the words of former FAA Administrator Marion Blakey, "The Master Instructor accreditation singles out the best that the right seat has to offer.

  • Obie S. Young

    Take a moment and ask your online contacts  to like our Florida Aviation Network Facebook Page.


  • Obie S. Young

    Greeting Crew:
    Ed Rice, one of our original crew members, recently did a gig in Orlando for Discovery Channel.
    Ed is in the right seat of the Lear Jet  and makes most all of the calls.
    Congrads Ed.       *** OBIE ***



  • Obie S. Young

    Just completed photos and video for ALEA in Orlando.

  • Obie S. Young

    Larry Moore just submitted more photos from Origin.

  • Obie S. Young

    Last Day at AirVenture -OSH 2013.  Please obtain those last minute pix. Safe flights home everyone.  It has been a real treat this week seeing all the happenings.

  • Obie S. Young

    I am about to process an order for shirts and jackets. If you want either or both please complete the forms today of tomorrow.  These help when you go to various aviation events and also helps to get the word out about FAN.  If you have any question please call.
              *** OBIE ***
  • Obie S. Young

    Who      Florida Wing Civil Air Partol
    What     Open new Wing Headquarters at SUN ‘n FUN Campus
    When    Saturday August 10th at 10:00
    Where   SUN ‘n FUN Pavilion
    Why       Increase the Wing’s office space and encourage a closer relationship with Florida’s General Aviation community.
  • Obie S. Young

    Hey gang .. when you go to see Disney’s Planes wear you FAN Crew Shirt and stand by a marquee or other Planes item and have you photo made.  I phone
    is fine.  Not wearing your crew shirt.. Just print out our logo and hold it up.
    Can’t do that write FAN or a card and hold it up.    Enjoy the show.
    Let’s promote Aviation.  *** OBIE ***
  • Obie S. Young

    FAN Web Site Looks like we will have 12 areas of photos for OSH AirVenture 2013: Air Show, Arrival, Celebrities & Crew, Dusty, General Aviation, War Birds, Misc. ,Night AirShow, People and Activities, Splash-In , & War Birds, Departure. Look for it soon on the FAN Web Site. http://www.floridaaviationnetwork.com/

  • Obie S. Young

    Just added another Managing Safety with Kermit Weeks. Aug 19th.

  • Obie S. Young

    Just added another video.  This was the FL WG Civil Air Patrol Ribbon Cutting for the new wing HQ at SNF.

  • Obie S. Young

    Greeting Everyone.. Thanks for you calls, emails, and text.  I mailed the shirts and Jackets out today for Larry Moore, Joel Weaner, and Dan Foster.   We have meetings with SUN ‘n FUN Thursday mid day and then an open house with Aeson Evens Technologies.   I am on the way to a Women in Film meeting tonight.  Talk to yall tonight on the telecom.  ***OBIE***
  • Obie S. Young

    If your camera allows, (in the Nikon it's in the shooting menu) File Naming allows you to customize, such as replacing "DSC" or "IMG" with your initials.
  • Obie S. Young

    The events that are currently on the FAN schedule for the rest of 2013 can be viewed (with hyper links) at                   http://www.floridaaviationnetwork.com/Events.html    .   Please advise if you would like to support any or all of them.

  • Obie S. Young

    Just published another Managing Safety Radio Show: #13090201 .  From the Howard Hughes exhibit in the Florida Air Museum at Sun 'n Fun 2013, Rich Weber and Michelle Cassidy interviews Senior AME Dr William Busch about his career and medical issues in aviation

  • Obie S. Young

    Added  Video Link: FAN Interview Bradner - Class Room to the Sky B

  • Obie S. Young

    Added video Link: FAN Interview Bartuska - MNC Class Room to Sky

  • Obie S. Young

    Coming soon - a page for RENO 2013 on the FAN website.

    The (12) proposed areas covered at Reno are:
    1 Daily Fri 13, 2 Daily Sat 14, 3 Daily Sun 15 , 4 Dreadnoughts, 5 Jets / Air Show, 6 Miss America,  7 Precious Metal, 8 Rare Bear, 9 Saw Bones, 10 Strega, 11 VooDoo, 12 Misc / Crowds.

  • Obie S. Young

    The 21st Annual Holiday Gathering! 
              For the Florida Aviation Network Cast and Crew
             Saturday Dec 7, 2013   from 11:00-1400  at the
            The Florida Air Museum at the SUN ‘n FUN Complex
  • Obie S. Young

    Florida Aviation Network  will be providing an improved cameras and transmission 16 x 9 NTSC (Wide Screen) format for 2014. We will be providing an 9’ x 16’ exterior LED Video Display wall during the SUN 'n FUN event.
  • Obie S. Young

    We just completed our Gig at Reno and are spooling up for the Albuquerque Intl
    Balloon Fiesta. 

  • Obie S. Young

      Like -Florida Aviation Network Facebook Page.


  • Obie S. Young

    Technician Class
    Saturday Sep 28th 1300-1700  (1-5 PM)
    Facility on  SUN ‘n FUN Campus -
    Crossfield Building the old CFAA Facility class room #4
  • Obie S. Young

    Just mounted :  # 13100701 Managing Safety RLW  interviews - Rob
    Holland and Patrick Carter.

  • Obie S. Young

    The elves have been busy preparing for the 21st Annual Holiday Gathering for Florida Aviation Network Cast & Crew on Saturday Dec 7th 2013 from 1100 -1400 at the Florida Air Museum at the SUN 'n FUN Complex.  Would you like to help? Drop me a note or give me a call.  ***OBIE***

  • Obie S. Young

    Oct 12th was the last day of the AOPA Summit.  It looked very positive.  In just a few day NBAA will kick off on Oct 22 in Las Vegas.

  • Obie S. Young

    Added Wings 'n Things - FAN Janet Ivey Interview http://youtu.be/P9D2FxFTLhA

  • Obie S. Young

    Added Interview George Bartuska Wings 'n Things 2013 http://youtu.be/_MOPDH_k-VE http://youtu.be/_MOPDH_k-VE

  • Obie S. Young

    Just posted new Managing Safety 13110401.

  • Obie S. Young

    Just posted Managing Safety #13112501.  From the Howard Hughes exhibit in the Florida Air Museum at Sun 'n Fun 2013, Diego Alfonso interviews  Melissa and Rex Pemberton who have an air show act wherein Melissa flies her Extra 540 in an aerobatic routine as well as flying formation with Rex who is flying like Rocky the Flying Squirrel in his sky suit. 

  • Obie S. Young

    Just added Air & Space Museum Photos.

  • Obie S. Young

    Updated Crew Support Information on FAN Web Site.

    Includes 2014 schedule.

  • Obie S. Young

    Logo Test

  • Obie S. Young

    Greeting Production Crew:

    I am getting an order ready for official FAN crew shirts..  Would you like to add to it? On the Home page hover over about ..Crew support--The apparel will lead you photo and ordering instruction.  Fill Out Order Form Online: Crew Shirt & Jacket Order Form

    Official Crew Shirt:
    1. Please fill out the Order Form Online…..

    2. Then on the Apparel ...page clink on the Donate Button for the Item. .

    3. It will automatically know what you are ordering and the cost. Try different items to see what I mean, however do not process them unless you want to obtain them.

    4. At the bottom of the donate page you will see where you may use credit card instead of PayPal.

    Thanks for your support . *** OBIE ***
  • Obie S. Young

    Just mounted Managing Safety #13121601.  From  the Howard Hughes exhibit in the Florida Air Museum at Sun 'n Fun 2013, Rich Weber interviews Steve Laramore, Pilot with Stallion 51 Flight Operations in Kissimmee, Florida.  Steve has been flying, instructing in and maintaining the T-6 Texan for over 10 years.  He has served in the roles of Chief Pilot, Chief Instructor and Director of Maintenance.

  • Obie S. Young

    1. FAN Telecom Recap - High Points Regulatory Updates - Submitted y Bob Jex - Items in the public domain. More to follow in separate stories.

      1. Sleep Apnea policy on hold as of now
      2. Legislation in Congress that would permit substitution of valid Driver’s License for 3rd-Class Medical in some cases
      3. President signs Small Airplane Revitalization Act into law on 27 Nov
      4. FAA’s revised Glider Flying Handbook has been released.
      5. CAMI announces portable normobaric hypoxia training availability
      6. FAA is undertaking a long-term project aimed at improving the airman testing process
      7. Practical Test Standards Update.
  • Obie S. Young

  • Obie S. Young

    New Meeting Dates- Important

    Holding two meetings this year!

    Saturday, February 1, 2014
    10:00 AM – Lunch
    FAA Building

    Saturday, March 1, 2014
    10:00 AM – Lunch
    FAA Building

    SUN ‘n FUN 2014 – April 1 – 6