
Guaynabo City

Puerto Rico

Profile Information:

I am a...
Private Pilot
About Me or About My Company
I am a SAR/DR Pilot with the USAF Auxiliary-Civil Air Patrol. Also, I am the Puerto Rico Wing CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) Officer.
My Phone Number

Comment Wall:

  • Obie S. Young

    Hector :  Please send or have your PA send CAP photos and I will get them on Florida Aviation Network Also. 

    You are also  invited to join the Florida Aviation Network Group on HangarChat at: http://myhangarchat.com/group/faaproductionstudiocrew   or just look under groups at the top of this page.

    *** OBIE ***   Ltc Obie S. Young


  • Jim Atkinson

    ""On the Wings of Eagles", the life story of a barnstormer who became the 1981 National Flight Instructor of the Year.   amazon.com  $3.99"