Paperless141 -- Newly Added Features and Functions

Our development department has been busy during the first quarter of 2012.  They have added a few very useful features available for all customers.  Here is a partial list:


Really Big New Feature - Scheduling Propagation

Most everyone keeps an electronic calendar of some sort, be it on Outlook, your Cell Phone, your iPad or Tablet and we struggle to keep our calendars updated.  Now, with Paperless141 and PaperlessFBO, your electronic calendar is kept up-to-date automatically. This means if you are a CFI and someone schedules a lesson with you or you are a student and the school modifies your schedule, your electronic calendar on your Phone, Tablet and/or PC is automatically updated with no intervention by you.  As a CFI, you can just look at your calendar when you go to bed and know your schedule for the next day with no need to log into the scheduler or download/sync files.  This function is currently integrated with Google Calendar.


Gift Certificates, Coupons, etc.

Many customers asked for a simple clean way of processing Gift Certificates and Coupons.  on the surface this sounds like a simple process, but then when taking into account the proper integration of this capability with QuickBooks, it was very complicated.  Our engineers have finally solved this with a very clean and elegant solution that properly handles all the various liability accounts in QuickBooks and is correctly reported in the P&L and Balance Sheets reports along with the liability reports and allows FCMS to precisely track each coupon or certificate individually and maintain contact information about the purchaser and or redeemer of the coupon/certificate.  

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