FAA Certified Instrument Flight Instructor (CFII) seeking single engine piston aircraft lease agreement. If you are an aircraft owner finding yourself in need to possibly sell your airplane due to cost and time restraints, I can provide a viable solution to not only enable you to keep your airplane, but profit from it as well.
As a pilot my passion lies within the general aviation community. I'm a CFII and Commercial Multi Engine Pilot looking to start a career providing flight instruction, Nashville city aerial tours, and aerial photography services. I've grown disappointed in the way flight schools operate today, and see it as highly successful business opportunity for a new, thriving operation in this area. I already have a small pool of students ready to go, and I just need an airplane. Once I obtain this asset, there is no doubt that I can keep it flying and market successfully for vast new business.
I have a business plan I created in May 2014 for Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in which I received a perfect grade on as my final capstone (thesis) graduation project. It shows current statistics describing why the Nashville metropolitan (and surrounding areas) is an ideal location for this business venture, and depicts reasons why some flight schools are more successful than others (do's and don't's).
My Qualifications:
Total Time 1404
Multi Engine 775
Multi Turbo 653
PIC 618
As CFI 437
Night 174
Actual Instrument 115
Cross Country 538
Commercial Multi Engine-Inst., CFI, CFII
Part 121, 141, and 61 Experience
First Class Medical.
If this post has intrigued your interest, I'm sure you have many more questions of me in which I am happy to answer. For full resume and extra perks about me not seen here, please don't hesitate to PM me.
Kind Regards,
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