Im looking to buy my first headset, and theres tons of DC models to chose from, and of course therez that Zulu model. But is it really worth spending 1000 bucks on em?


Whats your review on your headset?

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I fly with a David Clark 10-30 that I have upgraded with a package from Oregon Aero. I have been very happy with it. There have been issues when I mix with some other newer headsets due to the difference in the headsets hearing qualities. If the other person has a comfortable volume there are times when mine is a little low.

I think DC strikes a happy compromise between the cheap headsets like FlightCom and expensive headsets from Bose. Our flight school offered a bunch of hand-me-downs to borrow (from failed students, perhaps). I tried all of them and found that fancy-looked, fancy-designed headsets do not necesserily offer a better fit. I have DC 10-30 without noise-cancelling for now. They sit on my head fine and I can do 4-hour XC legs in them easily.


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