Daniel Kron is a pilot and a lawyer. This rare combination of two challenging fields makes him a great candidate to represent clients in aviation law cases.
People who love flying belong in the air, not on the ground frustrated by a meticulous FAA. With its unending regulations and restrictions, and myriad small rules, most laypeople are unaware of the ins and outs of FAA compliance. Fortunately, Mr. Kron’s profound aviation knowledge gives him the necessary tools to represent clients in their aviation law challenges.
So, don’t settle for second best. Instead of selecting the first “aviation lawyer” you run across, choose one who’s also a pilot. Mr. Kron’s hands-on pilot experience, coupled with his legal acumen, are a rare combination that result in the dedicated aviation attorney you need.
An alumnus of the University of Miami, where he earned his Bachelor’s degree, Mr. Kron gained repute as hard thinker always willing to take part in serious discussions. And since graduating from college, he’s only furthered his reputation. Part of this was earning his J.D. in 2006 from Syracuse University. Over the years since passing the bar, Mr. Kron has represented clients in many areas of the law – not just aviation law. Other specializations include criminal defense, contract law, family law, and traffic law.
Mr. Kron’s a pilot himself, so over the years he’s managed his own certifications with the FAA. It’s really hard to make sure every “i” is dotted and every “t” is crossed. So, he now caters to those aspiring or current pilots without the legal acumen to comply with the FAA’s myriad regulations and restrictions. He understands that many clients get lost in the myriad details accompanying this difficult area of law, but with his help, clients can maintain their FAA compliance and their flying career.
Mr. Kron is available for consultations today – contact our legal offices now. Note that Mr. Kron takes on fewer cases because he believes in quality – not quantity – of representation. Even if he doesn’t accept your case, he’ll let you know what other options are available. And if Mr. Kron does accept your case, you be on the road to dealing with the FAA.
Website: https://www.pilotlawfirm.com
Location: New York, NY
Members: 1
Latest Activity: Feb 16, 2021
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