We have flight training financing if you already have your PPL(H).   Please fill out an application at:  http://helicopteracademy.com/financialAid/financialAid.htm as we have been getting a lot of approvals.

I noticed on this fine forum that someone suggested I was a no-show at the Heli-Expo? I read this as I was sitting at my booth at the Heli-Expo so this came to me as a surprise then as I also sponsored the JOB FAIR and the HELI-SUCCESS lite program.   I wanted to express some comments about the state of jobs and the Job Fair as I  helped pay for it:   There seem to be plenty of jobs for those that meet the qualifications of those doing the hiring but those doing the hiring might have a different opinion than if you ask the unqualified applicant.    I was also at a committee meeting where a young lady joined the committee with the quest of helping create jobs and financing.  I wasn't sure how the committee was going to do that but if you need jobs or financing you can contact me.  Both jobs and financing are covered on my website and always have been.

   You can go directly to Financial Aid Application at: https://www.formstack.com/forms/?1109387-zvpb1Af6Fp

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