"Managing Safety" Weekly Aviation Radio Showevent"Managing Safety" Weekly Aviation Radio Show1 LikeShould you avoid ATC, or speak up and check…Great article in AOPA Online about VFR pilots using ATC services. What are your thoughts?DiscussionShould you avoid ATC, or speak up and check…2 LikesAircraft Spruce Fly-In and SuperSale!eventAircraft Spruce Fly-In and SuperSale!2 LikesCarson W LeeMemberCarson W Lee0 LikesFlight Instructors GroupGroupFlight Instructors Group6 LikesRod MachedovideoRod Machedo1 Like
September 2011
Using Social Media in Aviation Webinar - Oct…eventUsing Social Media in Aviation Webinar - Oct…5 LikesHeli Tech - Helicopter Life booth -eventHeli Tech - Helicopter Life booth -1 LikeWings Over Miami - Fall Fly IneventWings Over Miami - Fall Fly In5 LikesHangarChatMemberHangarChat6 LikesAero Commander 100 DarterLooking into possibly purchasing one of these somewhat rare birds. Would love some insight from some people who are in the know (have owned, or flown one on regular occasion in the past or present)…DiscussionAero Commander 100 Darter2 Likes
August 2011
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