Maybe this MD-88 pilot was watching "Tokyo Drift" in the terminal before boarding?

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Comment by JR Hafer Aviation Writer on April 22, 2012 at 11:35am
Thes pilots are under enormous pressures that could be one perspective another could be he is a "Hotdog" another is he isn't experienced enough which is why he is a MD-80 pilot anyway (maybe) but then again he you can bet he isn't a "Delta" pilot. This one is either a newbie or a Northwest pilot, because an orginal pure Delta pilot would not make that error for sure. Now Delta is not Delta, Delta is Northwest ya know, (Northwest with Delta's name, but surely Northwest operational mindset and school of thought anyway, and oh by the way, the Northwest maintenance operation. Can you tell the difference?)
Delta would never have the problems that "Delta" (Northwest) is having today. Mr. Reynolds would surely turn over in his grave today if he saw his "Baby" being treated like she is today... it is a sad think to see, just like his other baby who was taken from the craddle and thrown to the wolves her name was Piedmont... Sorry guys, I'll get off my soap box now. (JRH)

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