"FIFI" and her crew embark on the first of a series of test flights that test the improvements and new engines. Tensions are high as she takes the runway and lifts off for the first time in years. Come see "FIFI" and her new engines at air shows around the country by checking our website www.cafb29b24.org

We are even offering rides available for various seats in the aircraft including the bombardiers seat in the nose. Come ride "FIFI"

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Comment by Tim Raasch on August 18, 2011 at 9:44pm
I remember when it came in to KMKE (Milwaukee). That had to have been 20 years ago. I payed $10 to walk thru it. It had a couple 55 gal. drums of oil and a spare tire in the tail. One of the volunteers told me how much oil it took to run the engines. But I wish I could remember. Any way it was well worth the 10 bucks. I was really happy to see it flying again at Oshkosh. Best wishes and safe landings FIFI.
Comment by Pete Demers on July 6, 2011 at 10:13am

I remember seeing "FIFI" as a kid at KITH!  Great to see that she's flying again!

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