Ok... just a quick one to kick things off.

Transition to the new ICAO flight plan begins next year and will be implemented globally by mid-November.  The implementation is likely to have a significant impact on flight planning, dispatch and ATC systems.  It may also influence pilot and aircraft certification requirements.

How will these changes affect you or your orgnisation?





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Maybe the first question should be, what is the level of awareness of the 2012 flight plan changes within the aviation community? GA, Business Aviation, Airline, ANSP, Regulators

Flight Plan 2012 Transition Phase Begins: Are Airlines Ready?

According to ICAO, ANSPs should be able to accept and process both the ‘NEW’ and ‘PRESENT’ Flight Plan formats from 1 July this year, when the Transition Phase for airspace user testing and implementation begins. The ‘PRESENT’ Flight Plan format will no longer be usable from 15 November.

So far the majority of States have taken, or are taking the necessary steps to ensure compliance. However, several States have reported difficulties while others have not yet provided any information at all.

CANSO and ICAO have held several joint regional workshops to raise awareness of these important changes to the Flight Plan format and to support ANSPs make the transition.


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