Books make a great Christmas gift and I have a limited supply of my two novels, “Shadow Flight” and “Equal Time Point” that I’m offering at a special price for the Christmas season. Both books are written with an aviation theme, but feature characters that you…
ContinueAdded by Harrison Jones on December 7, 2011 at 9:06am — No Comments
The department of transportation has fined American Eagle Airlines $900,000 for recent delays on the tarmac exceeding three hours. Didn’t I read somewhere that the airlines have been deregulated? Are the fines a deterrent to delays or a revenue enhancement for the government? I doubt very seriously if any airline purposely plans to have one of its airplanes sitting on the ground for three…
ContinueAdded by Harrison Jones on November 17, 2011 at 7:30am — No Comments
One advantage to being an author is you can justify many things as research. Occasionally I have to be inspired and this morning was just such an occasion. In other words, I wanted to go to the airport and hang around so I did. I’ve mentioned before that research is generally easy with the advantage of the internet, however inspiration is sometimes…
ContinueAdded by Harrison Jones on November 14, 2011 at 1:00pm — No Comments
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