I have a blog on my website www.insurance4pilots.com. I was curious if any of you have questions regarding aviation insurance that I could address for you? Just let me know...
Happy Thanksgiving!!
To answer Victoria - send me your email and I will be glad to send you a form to quote your life and/or aviation insurance. The best thing about the Life Insurance Program that we offer is that it is rated by a pilot with a great passion for aviation who unfortunately has permanently lost his medical. He understands aviation and pilots and offers Preferred and Preferred Best rates on the life insurance. The best thing to help your insurance rates is to stay current, fly as often as you can, and attend or take any online safety courses that you can fit in your schedule.
To answer Adam - Some of the most frequent misconceptions that I see regarding aviation insurance are:
1. "Customers thinking that they do not need to name student pilots flying their aircraft as long as they are with a CFI." Even though the FAA considers the CFI as PIC there will not be insurance coverage available unless the student pilot is specifically named.
2. "Insurance companies just want to try to find a way to get out of paying a claim." In the 25 years that I have been selling aviation insurance it is rare that the companies try to get out of paying claims. There may be a couple of companies that might have that reputation but one of the most important jobs of an agent is to put you with a financially sound company that prides themselves on their claims service. I have actually witnessed claims being paid when it was questionable.
3. "I do not need to carry non owner coverage for other aircraft that I fly because I am a named pilot on their policy." There is always the possibility of an insurance company paying a claim and then subrogating against the pilot. This rarely happens but non ownership coverage is very inexpensive and will give you great peace of mind.
4. "I don't carry hull coverage because it is too expensive." The aviation insurance market is a soft market right now and one of the best times to fully protect your investment. When no hull is carried the liability is surcharged approximately 25%. There are options on hull coverage that are available to make the premium more affordable.
I would just like to say that the most important aspect regarding aviation insurance is to have an agent that you truly trust. You want them to take the time to ask you about your safety training, your aircraft equipment, association membership numbers and to shop all available markets, not just a few. Did you know that there are several discounts available for the above. I would love to talk with you all to see if I can save money on your aviation insurance. My cell is 336-392-6555 and company website is http://www.insurance4pilots.com
Have a great day!!!
Lisa Otey
what are the common misconceptions about aircraft insurance - be interested also to see the answer from belows question!
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