I'm trying to identify what issues are hot buttons for those in, or affiliated with, the aviation industry? What are the items that are of most concern to you on a continual basis?
when you say hot buttons - what area of aviation specifically are you referring to ? Safety, innovation, pilot training?
Yes, yes and yes! I have numerous clients that are involved in the aviation industry. I like to keep abreast of the issues that are of the most concern to them, to assist in offering solutions where I can, and if not, finding someone to assist them properly. So some insight as to what affects them in their industry and how I can assist them in their bottom line.
Yes Deana, I agree I was wondering if there is an area you are thinking about most? Or if you are considering everything from flying the plane to the cost of the plane. I was interested in talking with you more after reading your company website.
Thanks for the reply Mark. Yes, I was considering every aspect of the industry. From commercial pilots, to private, from owners to leasers, etc. What makes or breaks your success? What are your biggest problems and obstacles? What issues affect you on a daily/weekly/monthly/yearly basis? What has the most impact to your bottom line?
I would be happy to discuss how we are currently assisting individuals in reaching their investment objectives. You may send me a private message at dlanham@peacocktrading.com.
Great reply! I do the same thing as I look at the path I take with my company. However here are the hot buttons for me today! PED, Personal Electronic Devices we all have them these days they helped me forget phone numbers since I have a great phone book on my phone now. But here is the rub, the battery! Keep your eye out there on battery issues. I am seeing more and more news on cell phone batteries causing fires and other stuff. If you have an iPhone or an Android phone/tablet then you are of interest. I was reading the AIN and saw 5 or 6 Articles alone all on PED batteries. Other stuff that needs an eye is ADS-B and FANS what is that going to do to us all? We are hearing about it and it could have a positive affect on how we operate the aircraft but I keep asking and I am not getting a clear picture of what it will look like. Vendors have to make the stuff are not sure then how are we going to comply. Now we can read the regs and figure it out but I am still not sure there is a clear path yet. Now the rest of my time has been on data (internet) on the aircraft. I spend a large portion of my days talking to this very issue. This is not just the VIP or Business aircraft I just talked to a customer about their Cessna 172 and what data (internet) solution they should consider. These are a few of my hot buttons and I would like to hear/read others hot issues. I am always willing to learn about other issues.
What about fuel prices this year? it seems to be higher than this time last year?
Here's another article from CNN...
Hot buttons on my list are HOW to get the General Aviation industry moving forward again. Sales have never been so harsh as they have been for the last three years, most buyers are from overseas and the G/A industry is opting for Cheap gas instead of "Great" Services at most of the FBO's around the country. In a nut shell, the greatest industry in the world is getting the life drained out of it due to a falty economic diaster.
Those of us who live and breathe in this business have struggled to survive by using our innovative skills, dropping our prices and looking towards new frontal boundaries like, tweeter, facebook and HangerChat...to find new clients.
The digital age of technology has created an easier way to find aircraft and a faster way to take advantage of the industry while leaving behind the Services and the professionalism that built it up....
New ideas or products which will enhance flight safety and/or reduce cockpit work load.
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