Who using a tracking system when they fly? Who has a SPOT or a spidertracks or something else on board? If not, would you like one and why? What's a fair price or a top tracking system specifically designed for light aircraft? Any feedback happily received!

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Hi Rachel, I'm a glider pilot from Belgium. The glider community has started using the SPOT to be able to keep track where everyone is, especially during competition flights. Regards,


Hi Luc

Great to see people are recognising the safety benefits of tracking. You might be interested to note that spidertracks, as a dedicated aircraft tracking system, tracks altitude as well as position, and reports in real-time (not delayed) and can report every 1-2 minutes, instead of 10. This gives you a real-time, accurate track of your glider. If something was to go wrong, spidertracks can be set up to automatically send SOS alerts so you can't have to manually send an alert. And anyone following from the ground, wondering where you have landed, can see in real-time exactly where in you.

Having a tracking system on board is definitely better than none, but you might want to consider the benefits of having a system that has been specifically designed for light aircraft.



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