BrightLine Bags makes a modular Utility Bag system for recreational and professional pilots called the FLEX System.
We're always looking for stories of how this bag helps you in your flying.
If you've not seen us before, be sure to watch the overview of the Flex System below. Share your feedback about our bag here too.
Location: San Rafael, CA - USA
Members: 45
Latest Activity: Oct 23, 2012
This group does not have any discussions yet.
Ever think you could print your own aircraft? Well, you just may be able to with a new technology at the forefront of 3D printing. Check it out:
To Build Your Own Aircraft, Hit Control P.
"To build your own aircraft from a kit takes a special kind of patience. It requires tedious hours of labor, dedication, and a thorough commitment to detail"...more
Own an iPad or other tablet device? Find out how iPads are taking over in the cockpit in one of our latest blog posts.
I fly with iPad: How pilots are going digital inside the cockpit.
Since the dawn of aviation, pilots have always been on the paper trail. Physical paper data are as common in a cockpit as sunglasses and headsets...more
Check out our blog on how to deal with NOTAMs, which can change your flight plans at a moment's notice, and are a must read for any pilot planning a mission.
In our latest blog post, we look at the pros and cons between hangaring your aircraft vs. tying it down. Check out the link below for more.
From the BrightLine Bags Blog:
A Look Back At Crop Dusting, An All-American Aviation Art
Flying in small aircraft has been an American passion since the dawn of flight. Quick maneuvering, low-flying planes were a staple of aviation... [Read more]
Read our latest blog post about the:
We’ve put together a list of some of the best iPad apps for pilots. Here are a few to get you started... [Read more]
Read our latest blog post:
Back Pain and Pilots: Some simple solutions to an age-old problem
It’s no secret in the aviation business that spending many hours in the cockpit can have an adverse effect on...[Read more]
BrightLine Bags as seen on CNN, Discovery Channel and Business Update TV.
Watch our video below:
See everyone at Sun-n-Fun beginning March 27. And if you have liked what we've done so far with the bag, you won't BELIEVE what's coming. Check out our website starting March 25th. -RB
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